"No prayer to the Gohonzon goes unanswered. All struggles begin with prayer. There is no greater strategy than the Lotus Sutra. Daimoku is the sharp sword that can defeat all devilish functions. And a consistent practice of gongyo provides the momentum for carrying out the five eternal guidelines of the Soka Gakkai:
(1) Faith for a harmonious family
(2) Faith for each person to become happy
(3) Faith for overcoming obstacles
(4) Faith for health and long life
(5) Faith for absolute victory"
I will never forget my mentor Josei Toda's impassioned cry: 'Pray to be able to win for the sake of kosen-rufu. Chant resounding daimoku. Now, let's do gongyo together!' Gongyo is a lion's roar that signifies the voices of mentor and disciple chanting in unison. As such, when I am doing gongyo, my two great predecessors in kosen-rufu, President Makiguchi and PresidentToda, are right there with me. Every day, I invoke the resonant sound of daimoku, embracing each of my fellow members in my heart."
Let's embark joyously on the Year of Advancement and Victory, making a fresh start with a renewed attitude towards gongyo."
"If lay believers and their teacher pray with differing minds, their prayers will be as futile as trying to kindle a fire on water."
(The Eight Winds - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 795)