Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Daily Guidance

"In... The Eternal City by the British author Hall Caine (1853–1931), a tale about the lives and struggles of a group of young revolutionaries...we find the words: 'A throne broad-based on the love of the people [is] strong and right.' The people are the most important. A great path forward can only be opened if they are the foundation.
Nothing is more important than the people."Here's another passage from the novel: 'Initiators are always martyrs.' This is true of anyone who starts some great endeavour, who takes the lead--it was true of Mr. Makiguchi; it was true of Mr. Toda; and it's true of me, as well. A martyr is someone who refuses to think of his own comfort but gives his all for a cause he believes in-- and then is abused and persecuted as a result. I realised every single one of Mr. Toda's dreams and goals without the slightest exception.
That's one thing I wish to make perfectly clear."Throughout history, anyone who has tried to do good has been envied and attacked. It's a great crime to stand by silently and watch this taking place without speaking out to denounce it.
"Rossi was a young man of the strongest convictions: 'What a power in martyrdom! [The ancient] Roman Emperors, Roman ladies, Imperial people -- what were they now? Only dust and ashes. But the martyrs were alive!' Who cares about those whose greatness is only superficial or fleeting? It is the martyr --the person who is true to his beliefs no matter what--who is truly noble.."

"When you shake your head, your hair sways; when your mind begins to work, your body moves. When a strong wind blows, the grass and trees can no longer remain still; when the earth shakes, the seas are atremble. Thus if one can move Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, can the grass and trees fail to respond, can the waters remain calm?"
(Concerning the Statue of Shakyamuni Buddha Fashioned by Nichigen-nyo - TheWritings of Nichiren Daishonin, Volume 2, page 811)

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Daily Guidance

"A Venezuelan proverb holds that one cannot cross the ocean without first jumping in. Similarly, we can't attain our goals without taking the first step. Action is vital. Take that brave first step. Progress is victory."
My mentor Josei Toda offered this stern but compassionate guidance: 'Faith is not a matter of formalities. It is living each moment to the fullest.' He also said: 'At each moment, what is your intention, what action do you take, what action do you not take? Whether or not one attains Buddhahood is determined by the accumulated balance of all of these various thoughts and actions.'
What we do right now, at this moment, is what counts. By making the most of each moment and each day, we set ourselves on course to enjoy unsurpassed victory, fulfilment, and value each day of the year."

"The first shi of the word shishi, or 'lion' [which means 'teacher'], is the Wonderful Law that is passed on by the teacher. The second shi [which means 'child'] is the Wonderful Law as it is received by the disciples. The 'roar' is the sound of the teacher and the disciples chanting in unison."
(Ongi kuden - Gosho Zenshu, page 748, The Record of the Orally TransmittedTeachings, page 111)

Monday, February 05, 2007

Daily Guidance

"Particularly in the cold winter months, elderly members and those struggling with their health should not unduly push themselves to attend Gakkai activities. It is important to live wisely and not put yourself at unnecessary risk. Our own homes, where the Gohonzon is enshrined, can beconsidered as Eagle Peak -- a tranquil and shining Buddha realm. Even if you are unable to go out, you can still communicate with others by phone and other methods. It's quite possible to propagate the Law to the best of your ability while remaining at home. I'd like to reconfirm this point with all of you today."

"There is definitely something extraordinary in the ebb and flow of the tide, the rising and setting of the moon, and the way in which summer, autumn, winter, and spring give way to each other. Something uncommon also occurs when an ordinary person attains Buddhahood. At such a time, the three obstacles and four devils will invariably appear, and the wise will rejoice while the foolish will retreat."
(The Three Obstacles and Four Devils - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin,page 637)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Daily Guidance

"The Daishonin states: 'Saha means a world in which one must exercise forbearance and learn to endure' (OTT, 169). In such a world, stress is an inescapable part of life. But the Lotus Sutra teaches that this world is also a place where 'living beings enjoy themselves at ease' (LS16, 230). In other words, when we manifest the life-state of Buddhahood, this world of endurance becomes a place of happiness and joy."
Referring to this passage of the Lotus Sutra, Mr. Toda used to say: 'Human beings were born in this world to enjoy life, not to suffer.' If we chant vigorous daimoku and bring forth powerful life-force and rich wisdom, we will never be deadlocked. We can overcome all of life's challenges joyfully, like a surfer riding a wave. We can establish an unshakable life-state and existence of eternity, happiness, true self, and purity. That's the purpose of faith."

"Myo means to revive, that is, to return to life."
(The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page149)