Saturday, December 09, 2006

Daily Guidance

"Each of us, regardless of what spiritual state we may be in at present, absolutely possesses in the depths of our life the powerful state ofBuddhahood overflowing with supreme wisdom. When we reveal this inner Buddhahood, we can overcome all obstacles. This is the working of 'the Law of the lotus' (WND, 216) -- that is, the law of simultaneity of cause and effect."
When we awaken to this reality, we can break through any hardship or adversity and positively open up and transform our destiny. This is how we can attain ultimate, unshakable freedom abounding with supreme autonomy. Also, when we are confident of the infinite power within us, an indestructible hope is born in our hearts. Thus, when difficulties assail us, no matter how serious, we are able to see them as challenges through which we can demonstrate the power of the Mystic Law within us, and also as wonderful, sought-for opportunities that we should tackle head-on. When we approach things with this positive attitude and tenaciously surmount and triumph over each obstacle, we can develop and elevate our own state of life enormously and construct a truly invincible state of freedom.
Myoho-renge-kyo is indeed the supreme teaching, bringing people true hope and inner freedom."

"Exert yourself in the two ways of practice and study. Without practice and study, there can be no Buddhism."
(The True Aspect of All Phenomena - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page386)

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