"I would like to say something regarding the Buddhist principle of causalitythat operates over the three existences of past, present, and future. Animportant point, first of all, is that in his discussions of causality, theDaishonin always places primary focus on the present. In 'The Opening of theEyes,' he quotes a passage from the Contemplation on the Mind-Ground Sutraon the workings of causality over the three existences:"'If you want to understand the causes that existed in the past, look at theresults as they are manifested in the present. And if you want to understandwhat results will be manifested in the future, look at the causes that existin the present'.(WND-1, 279)"I was deeply struck by these words when I first read them in my youth,because they drove home to me that nothing is more important than thepresent and our own faith when it comes to cause and effect. This sutrapassage and the Daishonin's related explanation in 'The Opening of the Eyes'clarify that the essence of the Buddhist view of causality lies in changingour present self. We see the Daishonin express both unassailable confidencein being able to transform any negative karma from the past, and boundlesshope in the certainty of enjoying immense happiness in future lifetimes--allachieved as a result of his present actions for the sake of the Law (cf.WND-1, 287)."The Daishonin's Buddhism enables us to establish a solid self in thepresent so that we can transform past sorrows and misery into inexhaustiblehope for the future. The heart of the Daishonin's teaching is that no matterwhat difficulties we may now face, we should earnestly challenge the presentwith unflagging optimism and the belief that we can change the future."In any event, our faith, our Buddhist practice, in this existencedetermines the direction of all of our lifetimes throughout past, present,and future--that is, whether they will be pervaded by happiness andcompassion, or by sorrow and darkness."Faith means infinite hope. There is not the slightest doubt that we cancreate the causes for our eternal future happiness in this present lifetimeand in this present moment."--- DAILY GOSHO ---
"Strengthen your faith day by day and month after month."(On Persecutions Befalling the Sage - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin,page 997)
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