Friday, May 09, 2008

Daily Guidance

"Persevering in faith in the evil age of the Latter Day of the Law is like swimming upstream against a powerful current. It is hard enough just to resist the insidious forces exerted by our own earthly desires and fundamental darkness. Shakyamuni compared these forces to a strong current or flood. The Daishonin explains that this is even more true in the LatterDay, when even seemingly remarkable human wisdom, ingenuity, or know-how can be inundated by an inexorable tide of deluded impulses fuelled by the three poisons of greed, anger, and foolishness--an ever-growing tide that wreaks havoc as a force of evil (WND-1, 1121).
"Precisely because it is so difficult to carry out faith in the Mystic Law in such an age, the bonds of mentor and disciple in Buddhism take on a decisive importance. Likewise, a harmonious community of fellow practitioners solidly united in purpose -- in what the Daishonin terms as 'the spirit of many in body, one in mind' -- is also indispensable. The Soka Gakkai possesses the bonds of mentor and disciple that are strong enough to withstand any adversity. And its members -- noble ordinary people who are polishing their lives by striving in faith with the same commitment as their mentor -- are allied together in solid unity. Moreover, countless members, like magnificent dragons born through the triumphant ascent of the waterfall, are leading lives of profound dignity and confidence forged through continually challenging themselves in their faith and self-development."

"It is the power of the bow that determines the flight of the arrow, the might of the dragon that controls the movement of the clouds, and the strength of the wife that guides the actions of her husband."
(The Bow and Arrow - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 656)

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