"As the Daishonin says, it is the heart that is important. It's a matter of exerting millions of kalpas of effort in a single moment of life for the sake of Buddhism, for the noble cause of kosen-rufu. For us, not begrudging our life ultimately means steadfastly chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo without any fear, and wholeheartedly dedicating ourselves to showing actual proof of faith--for the sake of the world, for the sake of the future, and for the sake of others.
"Mr. Makiguchi described this as 'a selfless way of life of great good.' Such a way of life is characterised by overcoming both selfishness and fear, and striving for the happiness of both oneself and others. He explained:
"It is an ordinary way of life, a way of plain humanity -- such that anyone who consciously experiences it and comes to realise that it is universally accessible will feel an overwhelming desire to embrace it, and, indeed, will feel compelled to do so.
"Therefore, Mr. Makiguchi asserted that the Soka Kyoiku Gakkai (lit. Value-Creating Education Society; fore runner of the Soka Gakkai) 'was itself living proof of a life of great good.'
"In other words, selfless dedication is found in a seemingly ordinary way of life open to anyone. A true example of such dedication can be seen in our daily efforts for kosen-rufu, exerting ourselves body and soul to encourage others and sincerely sharing the greatness of Buddhism with those around us."
"Mr. Makiguchi described this as 'a selfless way of life of great good.' Such a way of life is characterised by overcoming both selfishness and fear, and striving for the happiness of both oneself and others. He explained:
"It is an ordinary way of life, a way of plain humanity -- such that anyone who consciously experiences it and comes to realise that it is universally accessible will feel an overwhelming desire to embrace it, and, indeed, will feel compelled to do so.
"Therefore, Mr. Makiguchi asserted that the Soka Kyoiku Gakkai (lit. Value-Creating Education Society; fore runner of the Soka Gakkai) 'was itself living proof of a life of great good.'
"In other words, selfless dedication is found in a seemingly ordinary way of life open to anyone. A true example of such dedication can be seen in our daily efforts for kosen-rufu, exerting ourselves body and soul to encourage others and sincerely sharing the greatness of Buddhism with those around us."
"When your beloved deceased father hears the sound of your voice chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, he will delight in his Buddhahood."
(White Horses and White Swans - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 1066)
(White Horses and White Swans - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 1066)
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