"My mentor Josei Toda, the second president of the Soka Gakkai, declared: 'Our faith in the Daishonin's Buddhism assures us that we can definitely surmount any difficulty we face, any situation we encounter, whatever the times. It's important to have this conviction. This is, in fact, our life's treasure.' Always brimming with great conviction and with fresh and youthful determination, we strive to create an alliance for people's victory and prosperity. This is the essence of our movement of Soka humanism.
"The Swiss philosopher Carl Hilty (1833-1909) wrote: 'Being able to be happy in and through suffering is the highest thing we are capable of.' When an in extinguishable flame of courage and hope is transmitted from one person to another, it can give rise to a brightly burning fire that can illuminate society as a whole. This is what the kosen-rufu movement is all about."
"The Swiss philosopher Carl Hilty (1833-1909) wrote: 'Being able to be happy in and through suffering is the highest thing we are capable of.' When an in extinguishable flame of courage and hope is transmitted from one person to another, it can give rise to a brightly burning fire that can illuminate society as a whole. This is what the kosen-rufu movement is all about."
"If you want to understand the causes that existed in the past, look at the results as they are manifested in the present. And if you want to understand what results will be manifested in the future, look at the causes that exist in the present."
(The Opening of the Eyes - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 279)
(The Opening of the Eyes - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 279)
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