Monday, April 02, 2007

Daily Guidance

"In a sense, kosen-rufu means to spread hope, happiness, and friendship. Mr.Toda used to encourage us to make friends with people from all walks oflife, noting that the support of people outside the organisation cansometimes be even more valuable than of those within."When it comes to cultivating genuine friends and allies, sincerity is mostimportant. No one likes a person who is always putting up a front. Trust isbuilt through such actions as readily lending a helping hand, or offeringothers a cheerful greeting."Also, you need not act in a rigid or contrived manner. It is best to relateto others in a relaxed, natural way. Of course, sincerity should never beconfused with naïveté, a condition which can be exploited by crooked people.It is always necessary to exercise clear wisdom to distinguish betweenpeople with good intentions and those with unscrupulous motives."Most crucial of all, stay cheerful and positive. If you forget this pointand allow yourself to be bogged down by negativity, you will only suffer.Strive ahead with a big heart and a tolerant outlook. Sometimes, no matterhow hard you try, you won't be able to persuade someone to try practicingNichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. That's fine. It is vital to chant for thatperson's happiness. Your prayers will certainly reach them. No one cansurpass a person of heartfelt, consistent prayer. Prayer is the essence ofBuddhism and the entire universe."

"Though calamities may come, they can be changed into good fortune."
(How the Gods Protect the Place of Practice - The Writings of NichirenDaishonin, Volume 2, page 668)

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