Saturday, May 03, 2008

Daily Guidance

"The 'great vow' of Buddhism can only be actualised through the persistent challenge of going out into society and earnestly seeking to do whatever we can to inspire and encourage each person we encounter, leaving no stone unturned, so to speak. That is why both Mr. Makiguchi and Mr. Toda placed such great importance on one-on-one dialogue and discussion meetings. To continue reaching out in dialogue to the person right in front of us and conveying through our spirit and lives the greatness of the Mystic Law, which is the key to genuine happiness -- that is the way to truly fulfil the great vow for kosen-rufu."

"A passage in the Six Paramitas Sutra says to become the master of your mind rather than let your mind master you."
(Letter to the Brothers - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page502)

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