Monday, March 09, 2009

Daily Guidance

"Of course it's important to chant daimoku and do your best in Gakkai activities. But if you only focus on your Buddhist practice without making an honest effort at your workplace, you're just escaping from reality. So long as you have that attitude, the results will be the same, no matter where you work.
"Mr. Toda used to say: 'In faith, do the work of one; in your job, do the work of three.' That's the way of life for Gakkai members. And Nichiren Daishonin writes: 'Regard your service to your lord as the practice of the Lotus Sutra' (WND-1, 905). In other words, regard your work as your practice of the Lotus Sutra and throw yourself into it wholeheartedly. When you strive to become the best person in your workplace and win the trust of your employer and fellow employees, while at the same time making an earnest effort to practise Buddhism, you'll grow as a person. That's what I did. I worked until midnight day after day in order to keep Mr. Toda's businesses running."
"Bound as we common mortals are by earthly desires, we can instantly attain the same virtues as Shakyamuni Buddha, for we receive all the benefits that he accumulated. The sutra reads, 'Hoping to make all persons equal to me, without any distinction between us.'"
(Letter to the Sage Nichimyo - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 323)

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