Friday, June 19, 2009

Daily Guidance

"We need to treasure those who are working hard to further our movement for kosen-rufu, those who are sincerely sharing the Daishonin's Buddhism with others and offering wholehearted encouragement and guidance in faith to fellow members.
"Criticizing or harassing those who are doing their best for positive aims cannot be described as humanistic behaviour. Such actions are unforgiveable. The arrogance of domineering individuals needs to be severely rebuked."
"The boy Snow Mountains gave his own body, and the ascetic Aspiration for the Law peeled off his own skin [in order to record the Buddha’s teachings]. Since nothing is more precious than life itself, one who dedicates one’s life to Buddhist practice is certain to attain Buddhahood."
(Letter from Sado - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 301)

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