Marie wrote: "The life of a great scientist in his laboratory is not, as many think, a peaceful idyll. More often it is a bitter battle with things, with one's surroundings, and above all with oneself." This is the heartfelt cry of a person who has ceaselessly struggled. She further noted: "Between the days of fecund productivity are inserted days of uncertainty when nothing seems to succeed, and when even matter itself seems hostile; and it is then that one must hold out against discouragement." Her words hold true not only for scientific research but all areas of life.
There were times when the Curies felt despondent because nothing seemed to be going right in their efforts to isolate pure radium. After all, they were dealing with a chemical process when their actual field of specialty was physics. Even Pierre, with his deep-seated commitment, reached a point where he was worn out by the fruitless struggle and ready to give up. It would be very difficultto overcome the obstacles, he decided, and perhaps they should wait until they could work under better conditions before making another attempt. Out of concern for his wife on whom the exhausting work was taking a heavy toll, Pierre advised that they take a break from their undertaking, at least temporarily.
However, Marie refused to give up. She didn't know the meaning of the term. She was confident that radium existed, and she was determined to undergo any hardship to isolate it. When faced with a challenge, a woman with a strong will is unbeatable. Marie was also of the belief that with a bit of creativity one could work happily anywhere, no matter how challenging one's environment.
"Live so that all the people of Kamakura will say in your praise that Nakatsukasa Saburo Saemon-no-jo is diligent in the service of his lord, in the service of Buddhism, and in his concern for other people."
(The Three Kinds of Treasure - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 851)