Friday, August 15, 2008

Daily Guidance

The Great Teacher Dengyo (also known as Saicho; 767-822), who propagated the Lotus Sutra in Japan some 1,200 years ago, during the Middle Day of the Law, wrote: "Who, if not the bodhisattvas, are the treasures of the nation and the benefactors of the nation?" He proclaims that bodhisattvas, as depicted in the Lotus Sutra, are the genuine treasures and benefactors of a country.
And who today, in the Latter Day of the Law, chants and propagates the daimoku of the Mystic Law in accord with the Daishonin's teachings and carries out the work of Bodhisattvas of the Earth for the sake of others, for society, for the nation, and the cause of world peace? None other, I declare, than all of us, the members of the SGI. This is something of which we have good reason to be proud.
"Regard your service to your lord as the practice of the Lotus Sutra. This is what is meant by 'No worldly affairs of life or work are ever contrary to the true reality.'"
(Reply to a Believer - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin,Vol.1, page 905)

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