"When things don't go as you expect, you must not let yourselves be defeated. Don't become discouraged. The struggles one goes through in one's youth are a precious treasure. It is only by taking on the challenges of the real world that you can build a deep, strong foundation for victory in life. Though you may stumble along the way, just pick yourself up again, plant your feet firmly on the ground, and make further powerful strides forward, aiming even higher than before. An ancient Chinese text says: 'It is like the case of a person who falls to the ground, but who then pushes himself up from the ground and rises to his feet again' (WND-1, 1108)."
"In the light of the above points, this shows, my followers, that you had better cut short your sleep by night and curtail your leisure by day, and ponder this! You must not spend your lives in vain and regret it for ten thousand years to come."
(The Problem to Be Pondered Night and Day - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 622)
(The Problem to Be Pondered Night and Day - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 622)
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