Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Daily Guidance

"The founder of the modern nursing profession, Florence Nightingale (1820-1910), remarked: 'Right is invariably well-being, or the road to it.' All of you are dedicating your lives to kosen-rufu, the path of the highest good. There is no life more admirable or happy. Nor is that happiness limited to this lifetime. You walk an indestructible path imbued with the four virtues of eternity, happiness, true self, and purity, a path of continual progress in rhythm with the Mystic Law, the ultimate law of the universe.
"Nightingale also noted: 'The world is what we have to mould, not to fly from.' We do not try to escape this world that is filled with sufferings, nor do we lament it. Through tirelessly challenging ourselves and taking positive action, we strive to build a new and better world day after day."
"But the rest of you should not be afraid. So long as you remain firm in heart, I am sure that the whole truth of the matter will become clear in the end."
(Reply to the Sages - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.2, page 831)

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