Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Daily Guidance

"The first thing Mr. Makiguchi did on arriving at the meeting place was to greet the host family with a warm smile and sincerely thank them for opening their homes. When we're making use of someone's precious home, it's only natural that we show them the greatest courtesy. We must be sure to show our appreciation in tangible ways. Despite various personal circumstances and situations, these families are kindly allowing us to use their homes for meetings.... We need to behave with the utmost respect and courtesy so that members will be glad to welcome us into their homes. We should also offer to tidy up after the meeting, being more careful and particular than if it were at our own home."

"And even more valuable than reason and documentary proof is the proof of actual fact."
(Three Tripitaka Masters Pray for Rain - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin,Vol. 1, page 599)

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