Friday, July 04, 2008

Daily Guidance

"I’d like to share with you some more words of Mr. Toda. During the war, many top Gakkai leaders quaked at the thought of persecution by the militarist authorities. For all their brave speeches, they were utterly terrified. Mr. Toda described this clearly in his novel The Human Revolution (under the pen name Myo Goku): 'They make bold pronouncements, but at a crucial moment, what happens?... I've seen it all too well. When the authorities appear, they shrivel up like slugs that have been sprinkled with salt.' Please strive your hardest, so that no one can ever say that of you. I'm counting on you.
"One's actions at a crucial moment are what matter. That's when a person's true worth is revealed. Don't be faint hearted. The stronger the opposition, the more powerfully, boldly, cheerfully we should speak out. This is the Gakkai spirit, it is the spirit that lives in the hearts of Soka mentors and disciples."
"Those who believe in the Lotus Sutra are as if in winter, but winter always turns to spring."
(Winter Always Turns to Spring - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 536)

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