Saturday, August 23, 2008

Daily Guidance

There is no such thing as a life that is free of hardships. We experience adversity precisely so that we can achieve true peace in life. But unless we are aware of our inner strength to withstand hardships, we will find ourselves in a situation where one difficulty gives rise to another, and we will ultimately be crushed by their weight. The Latter Day is a time when people's lives are shrouded in darkness or ignorance, and destructive influences prevail. People are drawn into a downward spiral of negative causes and misery. Therefore, if we hope to guide people to happiness in the Latter Day of the Law, it is of utmost importance to teach them about the power they possess within to triumph over suffering. This is the teaching of the Daishonin's Buddhism.
"When we revere Myoho-renge-kyo inherent in our own life as the object of devotion, the Buddha nature within us is summoned forth and manifested by our chanting of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. This is what is meant by 'Buddha.'"
(How Those Initially Aspiring to the Way Can Attain Buddhahood through the Lotus Sutra - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 887)

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