Monday, December 15, 2008

Daily Guidance

"The spirit of refuting falsehood and error is the essence of the Daishonin's Buddhism. In a letter to his disciple Shijo Kingo, who spoke of the greatness of the Mystic Law to his feudal lord, a follower of the corrupt priest Ryokan of Gokuraku-ji temple, Nichiren Daishonin writes: 'How admirable it is that... you communicated this teaching [the Lotus Sutra] to your lord and urged him to take faith in it. Even though he may fail to accept it now, you have managed to avoid the offence of complicity' (WND-1,461). Remaining silent in the face of evil and injustice is actually a form of support for them. It's tantamount to being an accomplice. The true spirit of the Daishonin's Buddhism is to fight tirelessly against such abuses and triumph through the power of words.
"The great Russian author Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) wrote: 'It is impossible to live without a knowledge of the difference between good and evil.' One cannot lead a truly meaningful life without being able to distinguish between good and evil, and it is a sound philosophy of life that teaches this."
"Suffer what there is to suffer, enjoy what there is to enjoy. Regard both suffering and joy as facts of life, and continue chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, no matter what happens."
(Happiness in This World - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 681)

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